July Mid Month - UI and Iteration

So when I published the last update I wanted to add a desktop version.  When I built it and and tested it, I had no menus as well as no way to exit the game unless you force quit it.  So that is what I have been working on this month.  Started to work on basic game menu so players and exit the game.

So I started with some sketches, I was bouncing between retro Sci-Fi and future Sci-Fi and went with the later



Then I did some coloring,  kept it simple with colored pencils

Colored Sketch

Colored Sketch

Then I took the sketch and did it in illustrator 

Digitized version

Digitized version

I have to saw for my 1st real go with illustrator I am happy with how this turned out.

After getting the background/panel to a happy place I started to work on the buttons. which was the same approach

Button Sketches

Button Sketches

Digital version of buttons

Digital version of buttons

So then I had came up with 3 different variants of the Quit Game button, at the end of the day I went with button 3

Next Stop was messing around with text, Downloaded and Installed Text Mesh Pro

Font and Text

Font and Text

I started to look for some fonts as well mess with the colors and such, I think the blue over the orange looks the best.  the 2 quit buttons are still 2 different images I feel like 2 is the better of the 2, thoughts?

Get Escape!

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